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Building Fruitful Friendships

BFF Logo

The “BFF” evolved from the “Soul Talk Women’s Support Group” founded by Pastor Lydia Ford. Building Fruitful Friendships is a women’s support group that is focused on providing Christian fellowship, mentorship, spiritual guidance, and soul support for women who may be struggling with their faith and in their personal relationships with other women.

The BFF is also an annual event held in February around Valentine’s Day. It is a fun activity that is held for the purpose of women and some men getting together with their BFFs to celebrate and show love and support for one another. It is a ticketed affair in which speakers, ministers, and singers usher us into the presence of God, dancers wow us with their anointed moves and worship, and vendors show off their wares, products, and services. All this enjoyment is held in an elegant
banquet facility over a scrumptious meal.


You are invited to join our BFF Page on Facebook. This is where I will share weekly Facebook Live videos and messages on friendship and other important information relevant to women of all ages and ethnicities. You will also be invited to join me for our monthly “Grown Fold Round Table,” a platform where I am a co-host with Valerie Stancil, Coach B. Wright-Jones, and Rev. Michelle Horton. This event takes place on the 3rd Thursday of every month @ 8:00 on Zoom.

BFF Facebook Group Community

Facebook Community

We love our BFF Tribe/Family; you can join our Facebook group under the name: Building Fruitful Friendships. Feel free to chat with us, leave devotionals, words of encouragement and inspiration sayings, and quotes related to friendship.

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